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Our Approach

ACT meets monthly and hosts several advocacy-focused events each year. We also meet with key stakeholders throughout the year to build relationships, create awareness, and advocate for policies that uphold our principles of prevention, affordability, access to care and quality healthcare.

Interested in joining our coalition? Please fill out and submit our new member form below.


Monthly Meetings

ACT holds monthly meetings to inform our members on key developments, educate about health issues, and provide resources to help them better serve their constituents.

ACT Summit

Held annually (via ZOOM this year) with members to discuss bills impacting the chronic care community the past legislative session and to discuss upcoming policy issues and legislation that we might want to pursue, support or oppose in the future.

ACT Advocacy Conference

Key stakeholders are invited to join members for a day long educational symposium that includes a panel discussion with key legislators to bring awareness to issues facing the chronic care community.

Legislative Day

Our annual legislative day at the capitol to bring awareness and advocate for patient care.

Arizona Chronic Care Symposium

Annual patient conference that brings together patients with chronic conditions to educate, network and build relationships with others.

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